Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pap me up

It has been 3 years since I've done my last pap smear so on Saturday I made my way to Thomson Med Centro to see my gynae Dr J Wong who has since moved into her spanking new clinic. For your knowledge, a pap smear aka Papanikolaou test is necessary once you had done the deed at any point in your life and is recommended every 3 years to detect any cervix cancer or abnormalities. So if you haven't done it, best to do it soon. Think of it as your sexual health, like how you'd visit the dentist every 6 months to make sure there's no decay, disease etc. I think it's a prostate inspection for guys? Bo.

Anyway her clinic was a really nice set up; as I sat butt-naked on her hi-tech adjustable chair, I was marvelling at the equipment untill it was time for me to spread my wings for her to gently insert the speculum to obtain a cell sample from the cervix. Some of you might grimace at it but it was not as bad as you'd imagine. Trust me, there's a lot more things that are more painful than this. Since I had expressed concerns at the possibility of developing fibroids and cysts, Dr J followed up with a ultra scan which was like what you see on tv.

She first squirt some gel on my tummy and proceeded to run a scope over it. We both watched the screen and didn't see niente - which was good. She said the surest way was to perform a vaginal scope which was to insert a camera-like device into the cervix that allows a close-up of the uterus and fallopian tubes. Amazing huh? I was more awestruck than freaked out staring at my tiny uterus flickerin' on the black screen. I said to her 'Wow it's very small hor' and she giggled saying 'Yes it's about the same size as a pear.' Imagine it'd expand to accomodate a baby or two (or even 6) - our anatomy is truly awesome (mitico!) She congratulated me that there are no signs of fibroids and cysts in the uterus walls or tubes so it's an all clear. Yay! As I was leaving, I thanked her and said that was almost enjoyable, which came out totally wrong. Luckily she giggled again or else I might seem a tad fetish.

*Do you know - sperm that are unsuccessful in their attempts at fertilising the egg may live in the womb as "wombfish"? I asked her if I could freeze my eggs for future use but she said no because it's not done in S'pore whereas there are sperm banks for men. Not fair right?? If you think about it, the rationale is so wrong. We women only release a precious egg every month whereas men produce gazillions of sperm in every ejaculation. Food for thought.

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