Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Down and about

It is low times like this that I want to punch the wall or bite my lips to stifle a silent scream. Implodero'. It's not so much feeling lonely or bored. I've no major problems being single nor do I lack any things to do. A volte it's the emotional isolation that can kill. I realised in Perugia when I was on my own - that no matter how interessante una persona, lui/lei is only as dull as the brick wall staring back.

I was lamenting to F that I couldn't seem to find a kaki to hang out for a happy hour birra and some decent conversation these days. Everyone seemed so caught up with their own lives. Maybe now's the time for me to get back on the dating circuit - boh - extra motivation on top of my agenda to have babies before 35.

La vita e' certamente molto fragile. This week I received two tragic news - a former colleague J is at an advanced stage of lung cancer and some people are planning to visit him, probably one last time. He's only in his 40s and is happily married with kids. And my friend's cat Travis killed himself (I've yet to find out the details). I went home and hugged Jarvis et al every morning and night.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Postcards from Italia

On the days when I get stressed like this freakin' porca settimana, I'd turn to my belle snapshots of Italia and sigh out loud. Each shot allowed me to relive that very momento. The colour of the cielo. How bright the luce. Who was with me. Who wasn't there. What I was thinking. Why I laughed. I had been so preoccupata at work that I lost any motivation to study italiano and felt more stressed by fearing that I'd wake up one day and forget all of it. Arrgh. Sara possibile??! Che incubo.

My bedside bible currently is the luminous green Collins dictionario, which is a window to my mondo of nuove parole. I feel like a nerd sometimes, running my highlighter over the words that jump out at me. With nothing much on my afterwork social schedule, I finished 'Bella Tuscany' and would move on to 'Cercasi Niki Disperatamente' di Federico Moccia. Si, it's in bloody italiano (grazie Elena! :) I kept reading aloud the back page, opening paragraph and was stuck at pagina 2. Adesso devo continuare - forza! Dante's 'Divine Comedy' also awaits quietly atop other reading materials. At this rate, I just might finish it by next summer before I leave for Italia!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Gatti di Italia

I was going matta ieri, stressata di lavoro. Too many projects, too little time. Today I spent half a day styling 3 pictures of these 3 expensive French Champagnes and luckily they turned out bellissime! The ever talented photographer Ed and I had worked for years and we knew each other's style. Finalmente I also found time to downloaded all my foto di Italia and I had so many favourite ones to share. For now, I have put up these 4 cat shots taken at Procida. They will defnitely make it to the 'Gatti del Mondo' exhibition next year!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Una ragazza sempre

Eversince I got back, I had been listening to Irene Grandi's greatest hits everyday - in the morning on the way to lavoro and on the way back on the crowded train. I could sing some of the songs already; my current preferita being 'La Tua Ragazza Sempre'. I laughed to myself whenever she sang 'nessuna è più bella di meeee' with such angst, conceit and vindication. Here are some of the lyrics:

tu credi ma non lo sai
che a me non me ne frega niente
tu credi che oramai
io sia la tua ragazza sempre
lasciami andare
segui il tuo cuore e arrivando alle stelle
prova a prendere quelle
nessuna è più bella di me
e non dirmi ti amo anche tu
dammi soltanto il tuo cuore
e niente di più

P.S: I've been addicted to Facebook lately too. Strangely I got about 7 friend requests from strangers (6 men and 1 woman) due to a rather unreal attractive foto di me. My friends all teased me about the fake cleavage, aiya sorry lah.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Cuoca in azione

Just this week we signed on a new italian cliente, amazing considering I said to him 'coglione?' (testicle) when I meant to say 'coniglio' (rabbit) as he told me one of his favourite food is rabbit. What a boo-boo. Imagine if I tell people 'Oh si, ho mangiato coglione, molto buono.' (Yes, I ate testicle, very good) I brought this up to Luigi who incidentally told me 'Sei un coniglio' means you are a coward (we say you're chicken in inglese). 'Sei un coglione' means you have no brains - strangely I always thought it means you have no balls or you're a weakling.

He taught me another saying to imply you're stupido, albeit in a friendly way - 'Hai la testa per dividere le orecchie' (you have the head to divide the ears). I wouldn't think it'd be an insult if someone told me that but the meaning sank in after 5 italiani minuti :)

Last night the cuoca in me prepared an italian feast for Giovanni's housewarming dinner party in his spanking new cucina (my dream kitchen). We shopped for groceries to feed an army and picked up the marinated deboned leg of lamb before lugging them back and started cooking at 5.30pm. I was behind time and calmed down with a scigaretta and milo. Giovanni was my sous chef as we carried out the tedious prep work.

We cleaned the chunky aussie asparagus, colourful peppers, fat eggplant and zucchini which went under the grill soaking up all the lovely extra virgin olive oil after which I could tend to the warm squid salad, caprese and vongole, roping in more help as guests arrived at 7pm. The lamb finally went in at 7.50pm as we started on the antipasti. We practically drank the whole pot of vongole - fresh clams in white wine, flavoured with garlic, expensive roman tomatoes, basilico, coriander, lemon juice, salt and pepper. An hour later when we were done with the Pimms and appetisers, the lamb came out sizzling on a bed of patate, zucca, rosemary, whole red onions and garlic cloves. They thought it was too bloody when I insisted it was perfetto cosi - medium rare pink. G carved the meat while I added red wine to the meat jus to make a superb gravy. The ragazze were quite giggly brillissime when I showed them how to make the banana-cioccolato bombas wrapped in foil. A great night in!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Cavolo gatto

It had become a routine. And I got the shorter end of the stick. At precisely 8am, Jarvis would be scratching at my door - somewhat quite insistently asking me to wakey wakey! I swear he can read my weary mind, that little rat, as I start to gain consciousness and stop snoring when the full blast of the sunrays hit my arse. Most of the time I'd let him in so he can kiss my face and purrrr in my ears. Or sometimes he chooses to position his big furry butt next to my pillow and I continue to nooze till the alarm repeats itself.

Mercoledi was Melina's birthday and my dad's as well - what a coincidence! She called me from Pozzuoli and actually memorised my home tel no.! I swear that woman has the memory of an elephant. I surprised myself by rattling on in Italian with her. It came so naturally. These days, I found that I'm no longer haunted by italian words swimming in my head when I go to bed prior to reading/listening/writing in italian. It's sort of internalised and I had started to think rather quickly in it. Hurray! This was the natural 'progression' that I was waiting for. No need for CEL2 esame. I know where I stand. Anyway I couldn't be arsed.

Today I decided that I won't be travelling anywhere this Dicembre during my office's annual Xmas-NYE week-long break perche:
1) I dont wanna spend more $ so I can save more for next yr in Italia
2) I cant find any decent company
3) I have enough of myself to travel alone so soon
4) I'd start hearing voices in my head if I do so, or worse, doing stupid tricks like try to touch a faraway tower in the distance!

I can also finally get cracking on the pile of books including the very cheem Dante's 'Divine Comedia' - it excites and frightens me at the same time. Currently I'm reading 'Bella Tuscany' (BT), a follow-up to 'Under The Tuscan Sun' (UTTS) by Frances Mayes (who is coming to town by the way for the Sun Festival and her travel writing workshop costs an arm and leg). I re-read UTTS in August and reading BT now made me hate her even more. Una bella casa in Toscana?! Buying fiori to plant in her perfetto giardino!? Shopping for more shoes at Cortona?! She made it seem so easy, these rich americani. Puuiii.

Coincidentally she mentioned the works of Piero della Francesca who was an acclaimed Italian artist of the Early Renaissance. I saw some of his famous frescoes and paintings at Arezzo and Firenze, and had been curiosa to find out more about him. Strangely when I googled him, I discovered that tomorrow would be his death anniversary, October 12 in 1492! Eeeeeriiie lor. Anyway salute, Piero!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

La prima settimana

Luigi left Pozzuoli on mercoledi and he texted me to say his mom Melina made him cry in the treno to roma. Sigh. Didn't I tell you? She has that effect on people, including me. Maybe it's her sweet smile, kind eyes and warm hug. It must be hard for him to leave his hometown and tight circle as much as he hates to admit it. Mercoledi was also his sorella, Linda's birthday (buon compleaannnooo cara!), followed by his birthday on venerdi (tanti auguri a te!), Anna's, Melina's and Gino's - all in the same mese.

Allora, the week had started out bene for me despite a heavy head full of cotton - a result of jetlag. On lunedi mattina, I brought i dolci - 2 trays of sfogliatelle and aragoste nutella - and Kimbo caffe to the office for the girls and our new intern. Much to my dismay, I also discovered that one of the 3 Nutella jars was broken. Bwaaaaaahh!!! Tristissimaaa.

But what was more triste was to learn that one of our friends R was involved in a serious bike accident and the doc said he'd be paralysed for life. And he's only 31. I visited him and told myself not to cry as he laid sleeping in ICU, his limp body heaving from the respiratory assistance. Things like these made you realise how fragile and precious life is.

On sabato, I managed to drag my arse to the last classe of our Advance 4B and Anna Maria said she enjoyed reading my blog and asked for permission to share it with the others at the italian institute. I'd love to share mie avventure but scusami if there's troppo parolaccia (swear words)! Anyway this would be our last classe with her - che peccato. We had all thoroughly enjoyed her patient teaching and tiramisu (which I missed out!). Grazie carissima.

After classe, F and I went to slice up the block of Parma ham for cena at her place. We paired the deliciously moist and fatty slices with sweet organic Thai melone, rucola, grissini and a bottiglia di Lambrusco. The primo piatto di organic fettucine with bottarga e parmigiano didn't turn out as well (cos the pasta's quality was uneven), followed by grilled pork chops with sauteed asparagus. The guys couldn't stomach any more crepes (weak!) so I just piled some banana and crushed grissini over a bed of nutella. Hmmm.

The next day, F's mother-in-law invited me to their casa for her husband's 67th birthday because they knew how golosa I was and how much I loved her briyani. I stuffed my face with 3 servings of glorious mutton briyani with more curried chicken and pineapple salad, then a slice of torta cioccolata, a slice of jelly and glass of vin santo. Burp. It rained all day which made it even more conducive for me to sleep like a baby on the hour-long bus ride home. I dreamt about Italia but I couldn't remember dove.