Friday, August 26, 2005

Hot Spring Cool Feat

One afternoon during our woodpiling and burning session, Katie suggested a crazy idea to build a 'hot spring' at this little stream not far from the farm. We had previously came across it on our walk but the idea didn't occur to us. Normally we'd walk 45mins down the hills through the woods to the public 'pool' which was a pretty stream with gentle waterfalls. The water was icy but who cared? We just stripped and jumped right in!

Anyway the idea of building the hot spring had sounded logically and feasible - we just needed to heat up and transport the hot stones to the stream and carved out a mini hot spring. When we told Iris and Gianluca, they looked at us bemused and skeptical, probably thinking these kids had all gone mad! Nevertheless they were very encouraging, and Gianluca even tempted us with an alternative to construct the inflatable swimming pool instead.

I could imagine it'd be a logistic nightmare but still played along - hey, where there's a will, there's a way! For the first hour, we wheelbarrowed the 10 odd heavy stones and hoes down the steep hill, got a big bonfire going, dug up a small pool in the icy stream and diverted the flow. Ben ang I then gathered the fu%king burning rocks from the fire, rolled them down the steep 100-metre slope praying they won't set the grass on fire.

By this time, poor Ben was sweating buckets and trembling from exhaustion, but still insisted he could wheelbarrowed the stones down the long path through the woods to reach the bridge. We dumped them into the stream after Katie and he were finally satisfied with the depth of the 'hot spring'. And as you'd have guessed it, the water didn't warm up a bit - niente! It was really hilarious but I was so tired I just watched them strip and leap into the icy pool anyway.

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