Monday, January 28, 2008

Survivor of giggliest

I survived the operazione. Grazie Dio. I thought I'd never make it. But as Ming put it in perspective, 'aiya, it's just a lump of fats you're removing - nothing compared to open heart surgery.' Ok still, you know what a dramatica mamma I can be. On the treno this morning, I nearly teared after talking to my nonna and mamma, and receiving a timely sms from Luigi in Napoli - all telling me to be a brava cat. Last night I had a nightmare again and this time, I dreamt that I had woken up at 3pm for the 11am appointment and had a laugh with the doc on the phone.

When I got to the Day Surgery, the nurse was surprised I came alone becos everyone was accompanied by a relative and instructed me to get into a really glamourous patient gown complete with matching white hair net and disposable granny panties. At least the gown was my colour - a pinkish viola. I waited a good 2 hours and went through an agonising mind-f%ck session, swinging from its-not-too-late-to-back-out-now to oh-shut-up-you-wanker state of mind. When I get extremely nervous, I get the bowels (done that at 9am), as well as feel ticklish and giggle like mad. I pretended to be amused at something and giggled to myself, me and Lipoma. I was losing it.

Finally at 1.15pm, the operating theatre nurse apologised for the delay and rolled my bed in for the motherly anaesthetist to do her job. A few nurses came by - their smiling eyes peeping from their masks - to reassure me it's gonna be fine when I told them it's my first time. They probably asked me 5 times for my name, age, IC no, any drug allergies/ medication prescribed, metal implants or dentures, where is my lump -- short of asking why I'm not married with kids yet.

She injected my left hand with some local anesthesia before poking in the drip needle. One down. Next up, they rolled me into the brightly-lit theatre where I slided onto the narrow bed. I spotted Dr Teo and was going to ask him about his holiday when the anaesthetist announced she was going to inject the painkiller now, followed by the anesthesia drugs. I still remembered her kind words 'ok now, take 3 deep breaths for me' as another smiling nurse held the oxygen mask over my nose. She whispered 'you smell so nice' and had this kind knowing smile. Forse lei e' l'angelo custode. I felt a cushy groggy slumber kicking in. And then I passed out. It was the best short-lived high ever.

The next moment I was rousing from my sleep in the recovery ward and I touched my left shoulder to find a bandage instead of Lipoma. The chubby girl's gone. Dr Teo came by to say it went well blah brraah baah but I couldn't register, drifting in and out slightly. Fortunatamente non c'e nausea. Within an hour or so, I could sip on some yummy Milo and nibble on wholemeal crackers, while waiting for my brother to pick me up. It felt good to be alive *kiss the ground* - and I thank everyone for their prayers. Cristian, xie xie per le belissime tulips!

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