Saturday, November 24, 2007

Lump of contentment

I try not to bore people with nonsensical stuff if I have nothing to write about. Last week was madness; work, shoot, meetings after meetings. Weeks in November flew by in a huff. The Harpers shoot was fun, the hair and make-up artist did a great job and made us look like ourselves but twice better. We posed like Gisele and I tried to resemble a smokin' hot italian heiress with my satin collar up but that just sent the 2 gay stylist and art director in a fit of giggles. Bo, we'd see the final result soon enough.

Just last weekend I had my usual massage and the kindly masseuse said nonchalantly to me 'Miss, you got a lump here', grabbing a knot of fats on my left shoulder - somewhat like a gnocchi of grasso. It didn't hurt which was a good sign but it affected me throughout the week so I asked my doc friend E for advice. The arse said it could be a 3rd boob. But in all seriousness, it could be a lipoma. I sought a 2nd opinion with a GP who confirmed it. So now it's me and my Lipoma (which sounds so italian). I always thought I had a chip on my shoulder, now I just had a lump. Doc referred me to a surgeon and we'd decide if we should remove it.

Funny this lump surfaced when I was just thinking that a lot of us took our health for granted. Oprah W said without health, we can't conquer the world. Happiness is health. Without it, we can't enjoy our family, friends, lovers, wealth and be our own heroes. So as I go about reflecting on my new year resolutions, I'd put health upfront. Every year eversince I recognised the power and potential of goals, I have a list of realistic short-term achievables and tick each off as the year drools on. I'm kinda kiasu this way; life is short and time is running out. We think we have all the time in the world but it's not true. Time slips you by.

Youth is a leaf in the wind
It prances and twirls blindly.

I'm almost finishing 'Una Camera Con Una Vista' (A Room With A View) by E M Foster. I didnt know he was gay! Anyway it was kinda 'Sense & Sensibility' (by Jane Austen) where the damsel found herself and ended up with her real love in a straits-laced society then. But 'A Room With A View' was partly set in Florence (bonus point!) and I felt like her in the Spoleto's convento when all I wanted was 'una camera con una vista'. I didn't get it in the end. I thought it'd make me happy like it did the first time but I was too narrow minded. I was better off with a view of the garden, a window to prettier things. Here are some excerpts I like from the book:

"How can he be unhappy when he is strong and alive? What more is one to give him?"

"Passion should believe itself irresistible. It should forget civility and consideration and all the other curses of a refined nature. Above all, it should never ask for leave where there is a right of way."

"It is impossible to foretell the future with any degree of accuracy, that it is impossible to rehearse life."

"Life is easy to chronicle but bewildering to practice."

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