Sunday, August 20, 2006

Intermediate uno

Non posso imaginare che sono al corso dell'intermedio uno adesso! Hurray. Ci piace la nostra classe piccola perche possiamo parlare e imparare di piu. Ci sono sei studenti - me, P, Q, E, A (chi e' tornato, benvuto!) e D uno studente mysterio. Allora, the weekend started with F & I bitching over a grande birra Hoegaarden at Union before going all giggly at a kinky girly sex-toys & lingerie party nearby. An hour later with four sexy undies in the bag and contemplating naughty thoughts of buying one of the fancy dildos, we trooped to meet Giovanni and Garybaldi for molte bottiglie di vino.

Stupido A backed out on me for our South India's nudist-yoga December retreat, so I convinced G & G to go on a Mekong River-Golden Triangle avventura with me instead. In their drunken stupor, we crossed our little fingers but I wondered if those guys will back out on me too! Hmm. Anyway I figure we'd probably fly to Bangkok first, then head to Laos over the Friendship Bridge, and find a boat ride to Cambodia finishing gloriously in Siem Reap for the New Year's Eve finale. Ooh, I can't wait. Must research tons first otherwise we might end up as illegal boat people!

We probably drank a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc each while laughing so hard at G's sexual conquests that when I found myself in bed at 2.30am, my head was as heavy as an anchor fast sinking to rock bottom. Naturalmente, I got up grouchy at 8am but luckily the class was fun. Dopo, I rushed to M's casa and whipped up my specialty dessert for our photoshoot-cum-interview with a food magazine! At this rate, maybe I can work towards my very own food show soon - "The Law of Cooking" or "Carla's Avventura"! Si, voglio moltissimo!

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