Monday, March 24, 2014

Be Free - Now is the time

Jarvis went to the stars and has become our guardian angel. He will always be. With his passing, we have reached another awakening and are ever more conscious of life and living it to the fullest. What do we want? What's our soul purpose and calling in this wondrous universe? How can we bring about change in this lifetime? The message to me is be free, be who you want to be. Act on it now. Just do it! I have thought about it and decided to take a break to live and just do all the things I want, instead of waiting for things to happen in our constant lame excuse of busy-ness!

An affirmation are the wonderful Cancerian forecasts for 2014 found on (check yours out! ;)

"To destroy is always the first step in any creation," said the poet E. E. Cummings. Do you buy that idea, Cancerian? I hope so, because the cosmos has scheduled you to instigate some major creative action in 2014. In order to fulfill that potential, you will have to metaphorically smash, burn, and dissolve any old structures that have been standing in the way of the future. You will have to eliminate as many of the "yes, buts" and "I can'ts" and "not nows" as you possibly can.

French poet Edmond Jabes had this to say about the birth of big creative ideas that dramatically transform one's life: "For the writer, discovering the work he will write is both like a miracle and a wound, like the miracle of the wound." Regardless of whether or not you're an artist, Cancerian, I expect that you will experience a wrenching and amazing awakening like this in 2014. The opening you've been hoping and working for will finally crack its way into your destiny. It may be one of the most pleasurable disruptions you've ever had.

Big rivers don't travel in straight lines. Their paths are curvy and complicated, with periodic turns and bends. In some places they flow faster and in others they're slower. Their depth and width may vary along the way, too. Your own destiny is like one of those big rivers, Cancerian. In some years, it meanders for long stretches, slowing down as it wanders along a crooked course. It may even get shallower and narrower for a while. But I expect that in 2014, you will be moving more rapidly than usual. You will be traveling a more direct route, and you will be both wide and deep.


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