Tuesday, March 11, 2014

ART Vita

I love art, I always did and I still do in my heart and soul, even though I have lost touch with her due to my 'busy' schedule in the past decade. Funnily as soon as I willed it, I found myself back to art, starting with winning a big art fair project for the year.

My sister reminded me I'm always the artist in the family. I do remember me as a child and my toys are my prized set of colouring pencils, crayons and colouring books. I even won prizes and sold some of my works to my neighbours for 10 cents lol.

In JC, I took Art as a A Level subject and aced it (my art teacher Mary called me a dark horse). I had wanted to pursue fine arts but it was too expensive in 1994 but I opted for the next best thing - Communications in NTU.

Admittedly I am still involved with the artistic process via another love affair - Cats Of The World -where I can indulge in photography and cats. When there's so much passion and compassion, people can sense it and are drawn to the exhibition, as it grows organically. And for this year, we are implementing an element of art and have gotten a few artists to come up with feline-inspired works to raise more funds for cat welfare.

On the note of cats, Jarvis our first cat is dying as I typed this entry. My sis and I have been crying and preparing ourselves for the day that he will leave us and we are truly blessed to have him as our constant companion, inspiration and joy for the last 20 years. Every moment with him is perfection and 100% unconditional love. With that, we have no regrets and thank him with gratitude for taking care of us and inspiring us to be better humans, to spread more love for cats and enjoy every living moment with our loved ones. His passing is a significant chapter in our lives; as it truly forced me to evaluate my higher purpose and what's next.

I think it's about time I honour the inner child in me and free myself to be the born artist, mystic communicator, green lover, domestic goddess, and liberty defender. I will soon make a major decision as my heart speaks louder with every day. There are more and more messages that affirm what I need to do. Don't give in to the worries and fears. I will be a mother and teacher too.

This morning, I read an interview with an art fair director and mother of twins. She says: "Art allows children to freely express themselves in a way that words and actions don’t. There is a reason why art theraphy is so successful for helping children overcome difficult situations. Art has so many facets to it but most importantly it should always be fun. I always encourage kids to get messy when having a go at art and for mums not to be too controlling about the process. I think adults would benefit from reminding themselves of the sense of freedom throwing paint onto a canvas can bring you!"

So be it!

“The bolder the action, the greater the genius, magic and power that is likely to
flow from it.” – Robert Ringer

“An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it
occupies.” – Arnold Glasgow

“Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.” – Raymond Lindquist

 “It is more Important to be of pure intention than of perfect action.”
– Ilyas Kassam

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