Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lite packin'

I've been under the weather this month; got fever twice in the month and still nursing a nagging dry cough but managed to crawl out of bed this morning (even after a late night of 'Spartacus' episodes which L and I are addicted to) to get some sun and fresh air at the secret garden. The usual kakis are there - although everyone was also recovering from flu. The bug's in the air and we'll ve to manifest our wellness!

What's keeping me chirpy are the new additions to my patch at homes - new pots of mint, basil and dill, as well as a crop of pomodorini from my taller-than-me tomato plants. Boy, do these homegrown little buggers taste good! I just make a simple pasta with them, some chilli, basil and Italian parmiggiano - super buono.

The capsicum plants which I moved to the garden have also blossomed and have sown baby peppers that are the size of an egg. Funnily the seeds came from the normal size capsicums found at supermarkets but I guess they needed more fertilisers and space to reach their full size. But I'm not complaining cos I'm eating the food I've grown. Not many people can claim this, ha (sorry lah, just showing off).

The weather's been crazy hot so I stayed in bed all day - like every other weekend - with a good book or movies. Today, I shared some time with George Clooney - the sexiest, funniest man alive (si, L sa che io amo Georgie). He's a hoot in 'Men Who Stare At Goats' and irresistably restrained in 'Up In The Air'. This guy doesn't just look good but he could direct and act in a range of roles (heard he's dating an Italian model now, at least we have the same passion for Italia).

Anyway I could totally emphasize with his character in 'Up In The Air' and I could well be that person - happily carrying a light bag pack without committments and travelling around the world. Sometimes I want the house, the wedding ring, the kids and designer stove. Then at times, I'd swing to the far end of the pendulum and rejected all these notions, drawn to a rebellious, carefree, free-spirited existence that would bend all rules. 

They say the older you get, the more you know yourself. But I find myself all the more confused becos there are so many options and possibilities. It's like stepping into a supermarket hungry and everything looks good. Decisions, decisions.

I'm not complaining becos it is a good thing to have options. Some people simply don't have the luxury or think they are stuck with only one choice. I guess my challenge is to figure out what I want to fit into my bag pack - the basic precious things I need in this lifetime without them weighing me down. And if it gets a lil heavy, L would be there to carry it for me :)

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