Saturday, June 20, 2009

Father figure

I'm not sure if it's fair but the excitement surrounding Father's Day always pales in comparison to Mom's. Even at home, we don't really celebrate it because dad is not that sentimental and practical him thinks it's another commercial gimmick. So we've learned to accept his school of thought and save on a fancy dinner. He's a traditionalist at heart and is not the expressive sort but that's probably from his upbringing. From what I heard, Grandpa was not the best father figure to his kids so who's to blame? But I know he cares and wants the best for us all. When dad was sick a few days ago, I realised how old and fragile he could be. And that day I happened to bump into him on the MRT on the way home, he was so tired and sleepy after work (helping a friend on a housing project at Boon Lay) but he still offered me his seat.

Anyway Saturday was a sad day as uncle A. Yeo has passed away barely 1 month after finding out he's got leukemia. He was Luc's dad - a respected counsellor, author, pastor and also a father figure to my sis when she had problems. Even when I had anxiety attacks from my last relationship with the pyscho ex, he also took time to counsel me and him separately. My sis was informed that the chemo wasn't working and his body couldn't fight the infections, so uncle A made the decision to pull the plug on the respirator on Father's Day (so poetic and brave; this is coming from a man of faith who has counselled many distressed people and written many books/thesis on death and coping with loss).

We were going to pay our last respects to him in the ICU on Saturday but when we arrived, we were told his blood pressure was dropping drastically and only family was allowed. I couldn't imagine how brave his family must be during his dying moments. We left the hospital and got the call shortly that he has passed away. Peace be with him.

I remember reading that life is full of uncertainties but the only thing certain in life is death. As much as we all fear it, we have to face the inevitable end. It is a sad but also inspiring thought - that we must live each day to the fullest, to be happy, to go after our own goals, and to say 'i love you' to the important people in our lives. Happy Father's Day to all dads.

P.S: Auguri to L who celebrates his onomastico aka saint namesake's day - aka Saint Luigi's day. There must be thousands of Luigi in Napoli who's eating cake and drinking vino today! What did we do? I shaved his head and he went happily to work! :)

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