Sunday, May 17, 2009

Permesso finalmente

The good news that we have been waiting for finally arrived ~ L got his work permit! A big load of pressure rolled off our chests. He can start work and no longer fret about overstaying. He has been distracting himself the last week by experimenting with tofu - his latest culinary obsession. Inspired by tofu on hot plate, he has fried it up with chilies, prawns, chicken in soy sauce and noodles. Just last Thursday, he brought me lunch and we sat by the riverfront and tucked into the box of fried hor fun with fishcake, chicken and tofu. It wasn't the best I've had but it was a good attempt and full of amore. Bravissimooo.

A shame I haven't had much time to write and upload the pictures for my Hainan voyage and the Vespa 'ride n cook' outing. Last few weeks were madness - busy juggling a couple of new clients and the upcoming Cats photo exhibtion! Sponsors are hard to come by and I'm starting to worry about the framing and printing issues. But at least, we seem to get more contributors who are keen to be part of this community project. Also Elle magazine is featuring me in their July issue, as part of a feature on women professionals who still find time to fight for their causes. In comparison to other animal/ environment activists, my small humble project is just peanuts but I hope it will touch hearts and inspire people to be kinder to animals, especially cats.

Talking about inspiration, I was contacted by a fellow member of the Italian cultural institute who has won a scholarship to study at Perugia. R also heard about my WOOFing farmstays from our teacher AM and was inspired to go on her own! I sent her a few tips and my blog and she said "Maybe you should have your own talkshow one day. It is just incredible that your experiences resonate a lot with me so I’m sure others will find stuff that would help them reflect on their own lives too. All I want to say is grazie grazie grazie. I wish you a beautiful week and a beautiful life with L." Aww, isn't it nice?

My classmate E also finally plucked her guts and will be going on a solo journey to Italia In june! I'm always telling her she works too much and stresses too often. Life is short and she is so young and talented! Imagine she can speak fluent italian and hasn't even stepped into our Motherland! :) How can one love and perfect the lingua without living it? E, kiss the ground and suck it all in! La primavera arriva e la vita e' veramente bella. Complimenti, cara!

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