Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sticky, sweet n cold

Madonna's concerto came and went on 6 Settembre 2008. We made a huge boo-hoo with Hertz's opening hours on that sabato (it closed earlier than usual, merda!) and we had to scrabble to Roma in the treno senza our barang barang. Our orignal plan to drive up to Roma and then Napoli for the weekend was thrown out of the window as the treno moved unbearingly slow towards the Eternal City. Luckily we reached the termini, found the metro and tram to the stadio Olimpico just on time at 9.15pm and found our seats among the 60,000 screaming worshippers. The lights dimmed and the Queen of pop came on.

It was a non-stop 2-hour session of dance and music, as Madonna jiggled, strummed and muscled her way on the stage. After the concerto, we walked 4km to Roma Termini with the thousands of fans and must have tried at least 20+ hotels around the stazione ma tutti sono stati completi. Just our luck! I laid out the newspapers next to a pee-stained vandalised wall while L kept awake as bodyguard from 2am to 6am for the primo treno per Perugia. We were never so grateful to be back home, even though it was a warm cubby hole.

Anyway our wish came true. The weather turned cold with the arrival of autunno last venerdi. It began with a heavy downpour just as we got the keys to our Lancia macchina and were on our way to Bassano del Grappa up nord near the Alpini. After passing Firenze, the rain turned to hail (grandine, mamma miaaa!) and our car was pelt with loud thudding of small icy white marbles; scary lor! We stopped at an autostop before continuing to Bologna, Vicenza and Bassano where the temperature has dropped to 20 deg C. Here we were in our summer clothes, shorts and slippers, while his amico Gianni and his fidanzata Danila were all wrapped up.

After a quick cena, we took a passeggiata around the centro di Bassano and the old ponte; it felt like we were in Germania or Austria with its old pubs, Trenta-style architettura and the Alpines in the pristine montagna backdrop. What stood out here were the flat wooden window panes which probably serve well to keep out the harsh cold during l'inverno. The town was even more charming in the light the next morning as we toured the thriving market and had a quick cuppa with our kind hosts before rushing to Milano in the relentless pioggia.

We were running very late for the 1pm pranzo with Ele, Alberto and piccolo Paolo at Meda and only arrived at 3.45pm. But it was great seeing them again especially Paolo who has grown a lot and was chatty and running all over the casa. After a quick bite, Alberto drove us all to nearby Lago Lecco for a stroll and I tried to grin and bear it in my short skirt and slippers. It was brrr fu%kin cold lor.

We had a piccola festa that sera at their rustic cosy basement with Ele's amica Marta and her new ragazzo Fabio who was younger than her - like L and me. The next day we had colazione at our fav bar, which served up a great cappucino and pastries, before driving across the Swiss-Italian borders to Campione d'italia to see the casino. L was excited to be back on familiar grounds; he must miss the action the way he was caressing the roulette and blackjack tables. When we got back, we kissed our gentilissimi amici addios and headed for cold grey Milano, because L hasn't been there before and we were so close.

It was FREEZing, and I layered all the clothes I brought to weather the wind and drizzle. The piazza duomo and galleria were packed as always, even the shops. I couldn't find any purchases at Promod or Mango - all the sizes too big - I was itching to buy something, anything.

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