Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tanti auguri a me

La Domenica, la festa italiana è stata benissima. I was worried about making the gnocchi from scratch but luckily the US Russet patate held their shape so they were molto delizioso with the Sicilian capers, pomodori and porcini funghi. Everyone brought their italian specialty, including C who attempted a bravissimo 10-hour effort with le sfogiatelle! Come difficile!

The table was full of food as usual and conversation flowed freely with the tavolo vino and limoncello soda di Amalfi. Hmmm, I missed the heavenly taste of italian prosciutto and coppa! So succulent and fatty. Midway thro' dinner, we danced to Diana Ross' 'I'm Coming Out' - my anthem of 2006 and C's dad started to twirl me around.

When the cioccolata torta came out with the lit candles, I played conductor and orchestrated everyone to sing the b-day song in italian - 'Tanti auguri a te...!' They were such a sport! I closed my eyes and prayed that my wish would come true. Per favore. Turning 31 was a huge feather in my cap as it marked yet another exciting stage of greater self discovery. Let's go!

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