Saturday, July 22, 2006

Sola solitamente

The words haunted me as I listened to the voice aloud in my head. Sola. Da Sola. Solitaria. Solamente. Solitamente. Saturday Italiana classe always fried my brain and left it reeling for the rest del fine settimana. I felt more and more retarded with every classe; in qualche modo non ho povuto trovare le parole esprimersi mai pui. Perhaps the hours, distance and its absence were taking their toll on me.

Forse io penso troppo. I laughed and wept at the irony of life; living in a cushy shining bubble but merely bouncing off the padded walls in a safety net, unfeeling and untouched. I longed for the fields beyond, the unknown rugged path where my heart quickens with every pace and corner. Devo essere pazza.

My dear 75-year old granny just called to ask why I was all alone at home and that I should get out and have fun for a girl my age - find a good man and settle down soon. Ha. I told her it's not my time yet and cheered her with news of A. She giggled and said he's too far and that I should just be contented with someone here who can provide for me, or else I'd end up like her alone watching TV every Saturday and waiting for sleep to creep in. There was sadness and resignation in her voice... and I can just picture her dragging on her cigarette in the dark. I told her in Hokkien 'Ah ma, I'd rather take my chance and wait for the one while watching cable!' Jin eh!

Of late I was also addicted to italian singer Tiziano Ferro's CD 'Nessuno e' solo' (which means nobody is alone - si, laugh at the irony!). Listening to the lyrics helped to sharpen my pronounciation and listening un po' ma lui canta troppo velocemente e troppo basso. Allora questo e' il mio preferito canto 'Gia Ti Guarda Alice' - chorus:

Nessuno e' solo finche' di notte
Anche lontano ha chi non dorme
Per pensare a lui, e penserai a lei ancora
Rimani e pensa a questa notte
A quelle cose dette e fatte
A tutto il tempo ancora
Senza rimpianti
Che avrai davanti insieme a lei

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