Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Luna Di Cielo

It's a gorgeous full moon outside tonight - everyone's out celebrating Mid Autumn Festival in full force. Me, I had my fair share of mooncakes already and trying to digest my 2 full meals today. These days, my diary has been chock-a-block with tastings - given the number of new accounts - and my belly is looking quite chubby.

My biz partners and I couldn't believe it's our 10th anniversary next year and we're tossing ideas for a fun party to thank family, friends and clients - and doing it our way. Our office is buzzing now that there are 7 of us. It's a proper office alright ;)

The Lion citta' is pumping with F1 buzz and lucky me got passes to catch the action upclose, although I don't see why everyone's excited about the sport - including L who loves his Grand Prix like every full blooded Italiano. He has been in an extremely good mood since getting his motorbike licence, and we've been zooming around town on his new moto. I think he'd be truly over the moon in 2 weeks' time when we land in Nihon - can't wait!

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