Saturday, July 18, 2009

Its only numbers

Usually I get quite emotional on my birthday and would rather lock myself in and have a bloody good cry. Strangely this time, I felt quite unaffected. Maybe L's presence comforts and cheers me. I got tons of well wishes from family and friends on FB and via sms, including a text from mom which read 'Yen, happy birthday to you'. It was a simple and sweet message, and it made me sobbed like a baby on the MRT, with no tissue to blow my nose! Mmph.

We took the day off to relax in town, met mom for dim sum, and also tried to change the size of the diamond ring which L surprised me with the night before. It's not an engagement ring, darlings (not yet lah). We call it a 'birthday ring' - which will complement the diamond earrings he got me last year (which he reminded me I've not worn them since). He's such a sweetheart and I'm thankful that he has great taste too! In the evening, we whipped up a mean dinner of white wine and tom yum mussels & clams, followed by 'Benjamin Button' on dvd.

I didn't expect much from the film but it turned out to be very touching and sad, esecially how apt that it's about the ageing process and one's life journey towards the end. The main character (played by a very understated Brad pitt) was born old and as he aged, he became younger and younger. The message revolved around age, that we should not judge a person based on his/her age and it's also never too old to do what you want and live life to the fullest. As Queenie in the movie always said: 'You never know what's coming for you...' The film made me cried like mad (I was inconsolable, just like that time I watched 'Madison County') and the next day, I woke up with damn swollen eyes lor.

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