Saturday, October 22, 2005

Life Goes On...

I never thought I'd say this but I'm a pathetic sentimentalist, made worse by my perfectionist nature. Since my return, I have tasked myself with filling in the blanks on my blog - afraid that I might miss out any trivial encounters or dialogue that kept reeling in my head. I must be going mad.

Forgoing the reopening party at Zouk, the nerd in me slept early so I could be fresh as a daisy for my first beginner Italian class on Saturday - imagine me, on a Saturday! I was so excited that I was embarking on my journey to mastering the language - I couldn't wait for the day when I could actually hold a discourse on sfogliatelle in Italiano! In the morning, I grinned at the bus stop ad featuring the leaning tower of Pisa and took the tagline 'An Open Mind Changes Everything' as a positive sign.

The class was made up of 9 ladies, each learning la lingua for various personal reasons. Being the smart alec who couldn't wait to converse with an Italiano again, I answered the tutor "Perche mi piace tutto dell 'Italia" when she asked us why we took up the course. At home, I'd hone it further by having imaginary conversations with my gatti to their repeated frustrated meows. They probably thought I was going bonkers.

The rest of the weekend was spent perfecting my role as a domestic goddess - gardening, sewing, watching DVDs and cooking, then relishing a big bowl of pasta in bed reading my Cosmopolitan mag while the cat daydreamt. I wondered if he was also fantasising about my faraway homeland too...

Feeling bloated as a whale, I took my bicycle for a ride around the park on Sunday and my mom suggested we see what my dad caught at sea (he's a retired full-time fisherman and a very good one at that!). Somehow watching him reel in the nets reminded me of the fishermen in Sicily and when the sun set, I realised how beautiful it could be in Singapore...

1 comment:

Janalin said...

Dearest Carl,
sigh....i re-read your entire blog cos I noticed that you bumped up your entries with more info and ....yay! pictures! I totally feel for you. That surreal state of mind of being glad to be home but not quite, of thinking about your travels every fucking day cos....well, its just your way of saying, i want to remember every memory as vividly as the day it happened. I was like that too. And you know what I still make it a point everyday to set aside a few minutes and relive the memories of my awesome American memories. It works, it makes the pain a little number. :) until you revisit your utopia again. La dolce sweet.