Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Gatta donna

Yay - the preview party for the cat photo exhibition was a great success! The day started with a live interview at 93.8FM radio station where N and I were chatted with the 2 hosts about the cat project, how it started etc. I must say we sounded quite smooth on air! Haha. Then in the afternoon a bouquet of lilies arrived from C in Romania - so sweet - to congratulate me on a job well done. Well I couldn't have done it with the support of everyone, especially my partners and friends. F got in the act last minute and produced these gorgeous cat photo magnets which we managed to sell for close to $300 at the opening party itself. 5 foto were also sold for $50 each, so hopefully we can raise more money for the Cat Welfare Society. Be kind to animals everyone!

L called me from Oslo where he's based for 3 weeks per lavoro. He said the landscape's amazing there and the sun is up from 5am all the way to 11.30pm - che stupendo! But imagine what a nightmare it'd be for insomniacs or vampires! There are apparently a lot of Asians there too; he ate at a buono italian ristorante which is run by 2 chinese old ladies and italian waiters. I tell you - Chinese people are amazing entrepreneurs. They can sell you anything! And talk about selling... of late we have been interviewing some applicants for our PR executive position and some people simply don't know how to sell themselves. When I asked them to describe themselves, a few of them said "Oh I'm funny". I bunched up my brows and replied "Funny?" And they added like I didn't hear them "Yeah my friends think I'm quite funny." I so wanted to tell them, look we don't run a circus, so we don't need clowns.

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