Saturday, September 15, 2007

Rocca on in Spoleto

I woke up smiling at 10am - ahhh, so shiok to sleep till so late. Too lazy to go to Perugia today so I grabbed a caffe latte at my usual bar at Piazza del Mercato where a Chinese auntie was hawking pirated Dvds to the 2 sheepish barmen. I pretended to focus on Beyonce and Shakira shaking their booty on MTV. Feeling energetic, I climbed the steep slopes to the Rocca Alb, a medieval castello and fortress atop the hill, because I had more or less explored all of Spoleto the last time. It was really that small - I could wander around blindfolded and still not get lost.

I met an elderly English couple from Brighton and I advised them on the route around the Rocca as if I was a local guide, haha. We agreed that Americans are mostly ignorant about the world and that Firenze is our favourite citta in the world despite being overrun by tourists. At 2pm, my tummy was growling in protest but I had lost my appetito because 1) my constant companion was not here anymore! 2) I'm feeling a bit homesick and craving for a bowl of hot soup! Instead I bought a ham-cheese sandwich and bottle of tè limone and chilled in my room till 6pm. It was too hot to go out and more relaxing lying in bed with a book and listening to la musica.

At 7pm, I met Alberto per una birra at the Piazza della Libertà and he looked so pleased to see me. He looked great, well-scrubbed and as jovial as ever! We climbed up to the bar by the romano Ponte dei Torri and laughed about Dario. At 8pm, we drove to the crowded P. Garibaldi to meet up with Aless and their amici Luca and Alessandra for another tipple. Luca spoke inglese (kinda a relief for me) and was a real jolly big fellow with a worldly way, being in the military. That evening, we drove to the nearby industrial urban town Terni ('molto brutto' according to them) 25mins away, for dinner at a trendy ristorante 'Tomato'. All the other bars and ristoranti (also with English names) were packed to the tilt with hip dressy youngsters.

I reckoned these italians ate too fast, too salty, too much meat and not enough raw vegetables here. I was trying to catch up with the 4 antipasti which they wolved down with their basket of pane and was the last to finish my parrecchi (tube pasta) stuffed with crabmeat and broccoli in a pool of pomodoro salsa. As usual, they all had manzo con patate. We left at midnight and went back to Spoleto's bar for a nightcap and at that point, I felt a bit defeated as they rattled on in rapid italiano and I could capire niente lor. Sigh. Aless sent me back to the convento in his new flashy Opel 2-seater and said we'd meet up at 5pm domani after he had lunch with his mamma, wah lao eh! His only day off! And he lives with his mother lor.

1 comment:

CB said...

your italian not good enough meh?